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Logotipo Ayuntamiento de Calvia
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Presentation of complaints and suggestions on the public and special transport system.

Presentation of complaints and suggestions relating to public and special transport so that they arrive to the Ministry of Transport.

El Ayuntamiento de Calvià facilitar el servicio de trasnportes a todos los ciudadanos, tanto servicio regular com el servicio especial (UIB e Institutos). Por este motivo, se han de tener en cuenta las demandas de los ciudadanos y hacérselas llegar a la Consellería de Transportes.

It initiates at the petition of the interested party or their representative, presenting the official form in the Cititzen's Attention Service. Subsequently the Transport Services will process the complainr or suggestion and will write to the interested party.

Documents to present:
Presentation of the request duly completed expressing the suggestion or the complaint in question

Applicable byelaw:
Municipal Regulation on the public service of transporting passengers

Regulating Bylaw of the fee for providing services regulated by the transport collective.