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Mental Health Care Workspace


Friday 8th April 2022


The objective is to coordinate the different public and private entities that manage public services in the mental health field in the municipality

Within the framework of World Health Day, Calvià Town Hall has launched a regular working space between the different public services and private entities that manage public services in the mental health field in the municipality of Calvià.

The objective of this workspace is to facilitate the services that intervene in the same territory and on the same group to share experiences and knowledge of the benefits that each service manages, for better coordination. This will make it easier to progressively have specific data on the mental health situation in the municipality and define which benefits are insufficient or non-existent in the different areas, in order to be able to make specific proposals in the corresponding public administrations.

The deputy mayor for Social Cohesion and Equality, Nati Francés, presented the initiative together with the councillor for Social Development, Childhood and Adolescence, M. Carmen Rojano, emphasising the importance of mental health in the current context, with the increase of the problem in all age groups, and the repercussions that the pandemic or the economic crises have had on the mental health of the population.

In this first meeting, the need for all the organisations that work in the same territory to do so in a coordinated way, in a network, was highlighted in order to generate work synergies that have a favourable impact on the care of people with health problems.