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Logotipo Ayuntamiento de Calvia

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Logotipo Ayuntamiento de Calvia
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Attention to the family, children and young people

This programme is composed of different services:

  • Support in covering the basic needs of families with serious socialeconomic problems: food, housing, school meals, leisure activities...
  • Prevention, detection and intervention in situations of child abuse and cruelty to children, together with the schools.
  • Specialized support to families with social difficulties.
  • Municipal programme for large families.
  • Preparing children in social abilities.
  • Cycles of family Education for parents.
  • Socialeducational support for young people with difficulties: Project of intervention on truancy, prevention of taking toxic substances.
  • Home support service for families with difficulties in providing adequate attention and care to their children.

For more information, arrange an appointment with municipal social services on tel. 971 13 26 45 - 971 13 26 87.