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Declaration of change on urban property

The owner, title holder of a right of usufruct or surface; or title holder of an administrative concession on properties, that produce a change or a variation, have to inform the administration by means of this declaration.

By request of the acquirer or their legal representative.

The declaration has to be presented within a period of two months from the day following the finalization of the construction work in the case of new construction, extention, improvements, rehabilitation or total or partial demolition.

In the case of horizontal divistion, agregation, agroupation and segregation within the period of two months counted from the day following the signing of the public deeds or the signing of the document formalizing the change.

All the relative documents should be presented together with the form model 902 to the Cadastral Collection Service at the Town Hall.

This declaration can also be presented at the Head ofTerritorial Cadastral (C/ Gaspar Sabater, nº 3. Palma de Mallorca).

Documents to present:
Form Model 902, duly completed, that can be acquired from the Cadastral Collection Department at the Town Hall.

- Photocopy of the fiscal identification number (NIF) or identification number for foreigners (NIE) of the title holder if they don't possess a sticker issued by the State Tax Collection Agency.

- Photocopy of the last receipt of the IBI in favour of the building object to the transfer or the change.

- Form proving the payment of the fee for the Cadastral Inscription, showing the corresponding liquidation, unless the declaration refers exclusively to a transfer of the ownership.

- In caso of declaring the change of cadastral titleholder: original and copy of the document originating the transfer. (This model cannot be used for changes of the titleholder for constitution of rights of usufruct, surface or constitution of administrative concessions).

According to the type of change declared, the following documents must also be enclosed:

If it is a casse of new construction, extention, rehabilitation or improvements:

- Details of the building and constructive elements (annex II).

- Photocopy of the deeds of new construction.

- Certificate of end of construction.

- Photograph/s of the exterior of the building (size 10x15).

- Plans to scale: situation, plot of land and final plans of each separate floor.

- Memorandum of materials and qualities.

- Cost of executing the construction.

If it is the case of total or partical demolition:

- Relaction of title holders and fiscal addresses when various title holders are affected (annex I)

- Photocopy of the document authorizing the demolition.

- Graphic description of the resulting situation: plan/s to scale.

If it is a case of agregation, agroupation, segregation or division in buildings:

- Relation of buildngs and titleholders (Annex III).

- Graphic description of the prior situation: plans to scale or contour sketch that shows all the necessary contours to calculate the surface area.

If it is a case of horizontal division:

- Distribution of the singular elements in commune (Annex II).

- Details of the building and the constructive elements . Relation of the titleholders and fiscal addresses (Annex I).

- Photocopiy of the document for executing the horizontal division.

- Definate plans of each distinctive floor.

Applicable byelaw:
Law 48/2002 of 23 December, of Property Cadastro